Oh boy, I could talk all day about catching bass on top water. One of the reason I live is for fishing top water for bass. There are a few different lures I use when top water fishing but one of the main ones I use is a top water hard plastic frog. There are a ton of different frogs that work well but let's look at some good ones.
BooYa Pad Crusher - Bull - I have used this frog plenty of times and it has always worked well. I usually use thiis type of frogs in our lakes or in private ponds for the best success. I have caught bass over 8lb on this frog and still use it today. One thing I usually do is shorten the skirt on the frog to give the fish more feel for the frog itself, you lose less fish this way.
5 Hollow Body Top Water Frogs
I usually buy this on amazon here. These frogs work really well in lily pads and heavy brush. They won't get stuck in heavy cover but they will get the bass's attention! Always keep one of these frogs in your tackle box.